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Supporter Features
No ads No ads! As long as you are a supporter, no ads will appear in your playing pages!
Unlimited Mailbox Unlimited Mailbox! No limitations! Send & Receive and Store as many messages you wish.
More Stats More Stats! You like stats? If yes, as a supporter, you will get to see more stats than ever!
PVP Feature PVP Feature! Want to see how strong in battle your character is ? Send it against someone else and learn!
Detailed Lists
Detailed Lists for everything! As long as you are a supporter, archived lists of all your crimes, robberies, battles, bets and spying reports will be created, for future revision. You will no longer wonder which was the winning item you used in your last crime. Also: Great tool to see what gone wrong in that robbery attempt.
Plus You also get a nifty icon to indicate that you are a supporter plus in some areas you will get extensive help tips.
Plus More suprises inside! Like graphical secondary stats indicators, ability to downgrade defense systems and much more! You can see ALL privileges you get as a supporter here.
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