Detailed Lists

+Detailed Lists are only available to Booty Master Supporters+

-What are Detailed Lists ?

*Detailed lists include Crime History, Robberies history, Battles History, Spy Reports and Bets History. From the moment you become a supporter, the game starts logging all your crimes in lists where you can check later.

-Will the crimes I did prior to supporter be available ?

*No. New supporters start from the day the supporter package was purchased. The only exception is with battle reports. Where you will be able to see all the battles your character has ever done.

-Are there any extra info included in these reports ?

*Yes. A few extra info is included in Crimes & Robberies History that could prove useful in determining your strategy. Robberies History especially included detailed info on how your performance was in each section.

-What about Spy Reports ?

*Spy Reports save all info you obtain through spying. The only exception is with item lists, which will be lost during the update. Mostly because items are always being used. The rest of the info will remain there until it is updated through another spy report. It is always easy to find if a report is updated as dates are kept.

-What do you mean bet lists ?

*With the horse feature, players are able to place bets during horse races. All the bets you have ever placed will be shown in this list. Note that it will even show bets you made when you were not a supporter.

Last updated by HateTheFake on 2008-04-24 03:09:58
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