About Supporter

Booty Master is a free to play game. However it costs time and money for the developers, therefore there needs to be some certain sources of income.

We have created the Booty Master supporter package because we wanted to give our players the chance to play our game ad-free while experiencing some sophisticated services. Subscription income in the other hand, allows us to plan ahead; The better our financial stand, the more time and effort is put into the game.

Booty Master Supporter Subscription offers some privileges, to the users that obtain it. These privileges are of no competitive nature, they give no direct advantage. However, they provide insight to game mechanisms, while the ultimate objective is to enhance the Booty Master experience.

Booty Master supporter can be obtained through two ways; Buy one of the packages offered OR exchange your fame points for months of subscription.

We will attempt to analyze all features on the following pages but here is the current list of what else, supporters receive:

FULL LIST of Supporter Privileges

-No Ads
-PvP Feature (More explained here )
-Detailed Lists (More explained here )
-Unlimited Mailbox
-Additional Game stats (many many more stats. Examples include statistics for: traffic, players market usage, horse races, personal records, item records & various other).
-Ability to set your secondary Stats into Graphical view (more shiny look). Numerical percentage also becomes available.
-Information on House Defense page shows whether or not you are missing key defense systems.
-Ability to downgrade Defense systems.
-Top Score reminder alongside with what you took along for each crime, in the crime selection screen, just above items selection. This makes it handy as you do not need to search through your crime lists to remember what items to take.
-Mobster Specialty appears next to the mobster name in crime selection screen and in robbery selection screen. This makes it handy as you no longer have to remember the names of each of your mobsters.
-Informs you how many cash or experience you need to fully improve your secondary stats.
-Ability to receive email notification when a horse race you registered in, is ready to start.
-Unlocks last login indication for every player in the game. (Also shows up in gang member lists, making it easier to track ACTIVE members - something very handy for gang administrators).
-Unlocks Day Joined indication for every player in the game.
-Ability to access a special page in gang management where all gang members are listed with their specialties besides, as well as their training progress is also visible.
-Supporter Icon in your playing page, show character page, players online page.
-Ability to hide yourself from "Players online in last 10 minutes" list (Become Invisible).
-Automatic calculation of the minimum 5% for each auction in players market and showing off to you.
-Quick link in news page for the exact auction, when a bid of yours is broken.
-Ability to roll over your mobsters specialty (in the gang page) and seeing equipped items and training percentages. This makes it easier to track what each mobster is wearing easily and quickly.
-500 players market pageviews instead of 200 (non-supporters).
-Ability to switch ON or OFF the ability to see gang shortname next to each player name in ONLINE page list. Note that non-supporters cannot see this at all.

Finally, you are able to get a special icon. To get this, you must provide a 16x16 icon to game administrator Revenger. You must have at least 3 months of supporter remaining to get this enabled.

Check some of the supporters screenshots here

Last updated by Revenger on 2011-03-27 20:55:59
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